Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
My wife made a very wordly comment the other night
by Clambake inmy wife who is currently on maternity leave made a comment about luck she was to leave in canada because we get 52 weeks maternity at basically 40,000 per year.
she is not originally from canada coming from a country with basically no maternity leave.
i told her to make sure she doesn't say anything like that at kh.
Island Man
The bible tells christians to pray for the ruling secular authorities so that they(the christians) can continue to have a peaceable environment to practice their godly devotion. When was the last time you heard a JW brother praying for the secular authorities? You can ask her something like that. -
Richard Carrier debunks Christianity using Science and History.
by Island Man in
Island Man
Clambake: I came to this board to for tips .. get my wife to escape this evil cult.
cofty: Teach her about the evidence for evolution.
That's exactly how I escaped from this evil cult, Clambake! I learned about evolution from the viewpoint of the scientists and came to realize that Watchtower's arguments against evolution consisted of dishonesty, ignorance and fallacies.
Richard Carrier debunks Christianity using Science and History.
by Island Man in
Island Man
At least have the originally to offer some personal insight or opinion or give us the readers digest version. Please think before you post because you are boring me. Stuff like this is like being in an assembly.
I am merely posting an interesting lecture that I saw. I am not professing to offer it as my own material so your statement telling me that I should "at least have the originality to ..." is wholly unwarranted. If you find stimulating intellectual discussions involving history and science to be boring then no one is forcing you to view the video. You can go to another thread that interests you. When you're watching television and happen upon a channel that has a program that you consider to be boring, do you call up the channel and complain or do you switch to another channel? You know who would call up the channel and complain? If a program on evolution was playing, an insecure theist who doesn't want to be confronted with facts that disprove his belief system - that is who might go out of his way to call up and complain. Is that why you're complaining about my thread - because you are insecure in your beliefs and don't like threads that present information and logic that expose your beliefs as false?
Richard Carrier debunks Christianity using Science and History.
by Island Man in
All shunning soon to end
by poopie inthis is just a first step clapping.
it's like the fed one quarter bases point at a time.
Island Man
They could allow people to disassociate without automatic shunning and issue a new policy telling members that only if a disassociated one started speaking critically of the organization or its teachings should they cut off all association with such ones and inform the elders [who would then make some kind of announcement at the next midweek meeting that will serve to indicate to JWs in the congregations that the person should be shunned]. That way JWs who want to leave get to leave and keep their family, as long as they keep their mouth shut about TTATT. And the organization gets to protect the JW sheeple from hearing TTATT from apostates by teaching JWs to initiate shunning the first time such ones start being critical. -
All shunning soon to end
by poopie inthis is just a first step clapping.
it's like the fed one quarter bases point at a time.
Island Man
What if ....
They revoked the policy of shunning disassociated ones to let all the awake JWs leave the organization so that they're left only with zealous, true-believing JWs, then 3 or 4 years later they issue "new light" reinstating the shunning process for those who disassociate and apply it retroactively to all who disassociated when they relaxed the policy. Then 3 or 4 years later they again issue new light revoking the policy of shunning disassociated ones. So it's a flip flop of no shun - shun - no shun.
Why would they do such a thing? They get to have their cake and eat it too. How so? First of all they get rid of all the current secretly disloyal JWs which would reduce their numbers a bit - but I doubt it would be cut by more than 10%. This drop in numbers will give Watchtower an excuse to cut spending and beg for more money - to a greater proportion than the drop in numbers actually justify. They would actually take in more money because awake JWs aren't contributing money to Watchtower anyway and are actually costing them money by having to print meeting materials for them. So allowing secretly dissenting JWs to leave helps their bottom line and gives them an excuse to further cut output and hoard more money.
Secondly when they reinstate the shunning process a few years later this serves to dissuade too many JWs from leaving the organization. It's like blood letting in the old days. You make a cut to drain out some blood but you don't want too much blood draining out or the person will die. But this does something else that's very important: It teaches JWs that just because Watchtower stops shunning today doesn't mean it's safe to disassociate because there's no guarantee they won't reinstate the process tomorrow only to have you being shunned by family unexpectedly.
Once this psychological effect has been achieved they can then finally permanently disband the policy of shunning those who disassociate with little fear that most JWs will disassociate. Then they can say to the media and the courts that members are free to leave at anytime and they don't practice shunning. See how that all works?
And if at any time in the future they find too many are disassociating they only need to temporarily reinstate the shunning process to control the situation. Or maybe they would issue some new policy to sniff out the reason why a JW wants to disassociate and if it has anything to do with the JW disbelieving the organization or its teachings then they would DF the person for apostasy before the disassociate. In other words it would become more difficult to disassociate, in that you'd have to prove to a committee that you're not an apostate in order for them to accept your disassociation and not DF you for apostasy.
"Even if it isn't the truth, it's still the best way to live"
by Simon inhave you heard that old chestnut?
i have.. typically it's the last resort when you have dismantled a jws beliefs and they have no way of defending them.
they know they are beat so they come out with that one.. its effectively an admission that you are right and they have no argument but they are still going to attend meetings because they like the social club.. what a lame way to defend your faith..
Island Man
"Even if it isn't the truth, it's still the best way to live"
OMG! I have heard that verbatim from the mouth of an elder, no less!
But it's a lie! And you can use their own bible to show them it's a lie. You just have to tell them about that scripture in 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul says that if the dead are not to be raised up then Christians are most to be pitied. Paul's statement is an implicit admission that living as a christian is definitely miserable way of life filled with hardship and sacrifice and is only worth it if the hope they look forward to is true. So if it's not true then it's not the best way of life. Paul also said that Christians must enter into the kingdom by many tribulations. Best way of life even if it isn't the truth, my ass!
I can think of better ways of living that don't involve shunning my relatives just because they no longer share my religious beliefs.
I can think of better ways of living than refusing lifesaving blood transfusions for myself or my infant child.
I can think of better ways of living than refusing my child a higher education even if I could afford it.
I can think of better ways of living than judging and mistrusting everyone around you just because they don't share your religious beliefs.
I can think of better ways of living than not marrying the person you're truly attracted to and love, just because they're not of the same religion as you.
I can think of better ways of living than wasting most or all of my free time slaving in the hot sun for a haughty, deceitful, hypocritical, manipulative, judgmental, misogynistic, false-prophesying, religious cult.
The wt has now changed Jesus definition of neighboor
by poopie inthe man asked jesus who is my neighbor jesus stated the one who acts mercifully toward other humans.
not good enough for watchtower neighbor must fit in three catagories only according to yesterdays wt wow changed the words of the son of god.
Island Man
Marriage mates, family members, then anyone one might meet in the ministry….which covers all human beings.
Why limit it to people you meet in the ministry? Why not just say anyone you have opportunity to interact with?
By specifically saying those one might meet in the ministry, Watchtower is giving JWs cause to justify not participating in soup kitchens or offering other kinds of charitable assistance to people other than preaching to them.
What I mean is this. If a more reasonable and genuine JW were take a Saturday off from the ministry to volunteer at a soup kitchen and another JW later asks him why he didn't see him in service Saturday, the conversation could go something like this:
Watchtower JW: Hey, I didn't see you out in field service last Saturday. Were you sick?
Noble-Minded JW: No, not at all. I just took a Saturday off from field service to volunteer at the local soup kitchen. My heart goes out to those poor homeless people I see on the street. So I try to take some time off from time to time to be like the good samaritan and help my neighbor in need.
Watchtower JW: It's good that you show concern for you neighbor. But the greatest help you can offer them is to share the good news of the kingdom with them. That leads to everlasting life under God's kingdom, which will solve all their problems, including giving them food and shelter. We need to show love for neighbor by helping them to put their trust in God's kingdom as the only solution to their problems - not vain human efforts.
Noble-Minded JW: Yes, but Jesus didn't just teach people. He also offered them practical help like feeding them and healing their illnesses.
Watchtower JW: That's different, Jesus was performing miracles to prove he was the Messiah and to demonstrate to the people what God's kingdom, with him as King, will do on a larger scale in the future.
Noble-Minded JW: Well, the good Samaritan didn't preach to the beaten up, left-for-dead Jew. He didn't tell him to trust in God to solve his problems and leave him lying there. He lovingly offered his time and resources to bring him relief and Jesus said we should be doing the same to our neighbor.
Watchtower JW: Do you remember that study article we looked at in the Watchtower a few weeks ago that talked about showing love for your neighbor? I invite you to go look at it again carefully. See who the faithful and discreet slave is telling us our neighbor is. It says our family and marriage mate and people we meet in our ministry. See the illustration on the first page of the article - the one with the brother helping the people dig out their stalled vehicle. Why is the brother dressed that way? Was it not because he was in the ministry. Think of the great witness he gave to the vehicle owners. Because he was out preaching they know that it was a Jehovah's Witness that helped them, and he no doubt used the opportunity to explain to them that the reason why he helped them is because he is one of Jehovah's Witnesses. So the faithful slave is helping us to see that in the modern day application the neighbors that we are to help is people we encounter in our ministry.
Evolution a Fact - Agreed but So What?
by LAWHFol inin many debates between believers and non believers (nb), the nb uses evolution as some sort of proof to support the non existence of god.. i agree that evolution is a fact, however i feel that evolution is proof of some sort of benevolent original cause.. if i were to create an a.i.
, i would program into it the ability to self-refactor and evolve.. i would also randomly inject viruses into the program (evil) where the a.i.
would be forced to stretch its current capabilities & modify it's operating functions in order to get through the random virus, and continue living.. with a steady flow of different viruses, the a.i.
Island Man
the model was absent of any ideas for or against a creator
Probably because it is inappropriate and unprofessional - not to mention controversial - to bring up religion in a science class. It speaks more to the culture of tolerance and political correctness than the scientific academia giving equal credence to a creator and evolution.
"There will be earthquakes...."
by Fisherman ingiven: the prophecy is true.. what did jesus mean?
i have an app that alerts me of any earthquake all over the world.
since i got the app, it is one earthquake after another all over the world.
Island Man
What Bobcat said. JWs and others are doing exactly what Jesus was telling his disciples not to do!